Land/Parcel For Sale in Edgartown #42090

Land / Lot - Edgartown Downtown Edgartown | 3 Ogden Lane, Edgartown MA 02539
  • SqF
  • Price

This conforming 10,108 sq ft lot sits in the middle of a new 3-lot subdivision just minutes to Main Street. It is approved and ready for nearby town water and sewer connections to accommodate a 4-bedroom residence. A new private way is in, along with fire hydrants and power lines and the entrance is being improved by MA DOT. With few Edgartown building lots available, this is an ideal location for your next project. Note: The adjacent lot on the road is also available for purchase for a special package price of $2.6M. Double the size of your lot, increase your building area, develop it, or sell it!


Other Buildings:

Second Dwelling:



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  • Listing ID: 42090
  • Year Built:
  • Flooring:
  • Foundation:
  • Water: Town
  • Heating: